Friday, September 30, 2011

Lonely morning.. And a Prayer

No dog bark at 7:05 a.m.

No morning ritual of:
Good Morning hugs
Ground patrol inspection
Leg licking (them, not me!)
Filling water bowls - inside & out
Breakfast preparation
More hugging
30 seconds of "dining"
Washing bowls
Mary Ellen's 7:30 a.m. wake up phone call
Starting laundry
Quick floor mopping
Toy disposition
More hugging & another lick
Towel & blanket laid out on floor & in kennels
A little ear rubbing (theirs, not mine!)
One more quick look for anything that could become "a toy"
A Feeling that We ARE doing the right thing and the fulfillment that brings

Another day of 2 orphan dogs enjoying "the good life"!

Now a prayer for Bailey and Bella.
May your day be as successful as possible with as little stress and pain as possible. May you both be deemed worthy by "them" and receive the surgery you need to make you ready to go out and face the world. May the right decisions be made. May the workers be kind to you. May our hearts be soothed as the day plays out. May you both return to us for another day. May the seeds be planted that will lead to your forever homes.
Thank you Jesus


Yesterday was sooooooo hard. I can't imagine what Mary Ellen went through but I know what I went through and I wouldn't wish it on ... a dog!

Mary Ellen took Bella and Bosley (Bailey) to the City Shelter mostly to be neutered or at least a pre-op evaluation. Bella has a big case of hives which we have been treating for 36 hours since we noticed them. We put her on children's Benedril and expect she needs an allergy shot. We can't imagine what she is allergic too since there have been no changes in her diet, shampoo, laundry supplies or cleaning supplies. We did add an all natural nutrition supplement but isn't that the point? All natural!

The visit was very stressful for Mary Ellen for many reasons. The dogs are not leash trained and she had them alone. The staff was not expecting them for surgery and gave her little information and no encouragement. Many things were said and many more things not said, but that is Mary Ellen's story, I was not there.

We did both go through great emotions and apprehension for what the shelter will do. Bottom line, the dogs belong to them. In the end, Mary Ellen left them both for probable surgery today. It will probably be another emotional roller coaster day for all of us including Ron and Barbara.

I do want to take this opportunity to tell how supportive both Ron and Barbara have been in this process. Maybe they aren't mentioned as much as they deserve. They both have posting privilege here but have yet to "learn" blog-speak! But make no mistake, they are both vital to this process and tremendous emotional support for both Mary Ellen and myself.

Thank you loved humans.
I'd foster either of you anyday!
You are both in

p.s. M.E. you're my BFF forever!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

We are learning..

Fostering is not easy. Heartache is right up there with great joy. If all goes well, great joy is the reward. Unfortunately, fostering is not a fairy tale with a guaranteed happy ending.

Here is what I've learned today:
There is a REALLY GOOD REASON to go through the system.
Entering into this as a "third party" eliminates vital communication that gives you the tools and education you need to understand what is expected of YOU and what the expectation is for the FUTURE!

When we accepted this project, it was done at the 11th hour, purely emotional, with a Pollyanna philosophy of Optimism. The dogs were facing impending euthanasia within 30 minutes. The benefactor of this project was looking for someone to take the dogs to save their lives.

The truth is, is this the right thing to do - IN THIS CASE? What is the realistic future of these particular animals? Who makes the ultimate decision of which dogs should be saved and once they are "SAVED", who finds them their new "forever homes" and how is this done?

Lots more thoughts and lots more to learn.

Our story is not yet done and we are still hoping for the fairy tale ending!

Here's the thing.. Bogart (BAILEY)

Bogart (Bailey) is a big ol' loving teddy bear of a dog. He is lazy, laid back and stoic. He is fun, good looking - beautiful copper-colored eyes, nearly house broken, kennel trained, gentle, fearful and loving.

He doesn't play the same way Bella does, neither is he energetic or neurotic. He is very timid but he's very comfortable and happy when he's been around you for just a little while.

He is, after all, a rescue dog from some sort of abusive situation. He is young and was not properly socialized so that meeting new people, walking through doors, walking on a leash or voluntarily getting into a car are things he has not yet learned. His kind nature makes me know that with just a little time and a human companion, these things would all become second nature for him.

He follows me all around the yard as I do my "poop patrol", licking my hand or leg. In fact, he thinks his name is "Quite licking my leg"!

He would be such a good family dog enjoying all the benefits that come with sharing time and rolling around like children.

Bottom line: I REALLY LIKE THIS DOG. I would enjoy having him as my pet and companion. The fact that I already have 3 dogs makes this an impossibility, but I believe in him and think if we could find the right "forever" home for him, there would be "one lucky human"!

Last night, I sat on the floor and played rope-toys with Bella. He watched! I love you Bogart! ❤

Here's the thing.. BELLA

Bella is a loving, housebroken, kennel-trained, fun, playful and SMART dog.

She is neurotic about storms - running circles in the yard, attacking the fence & barking a little until she is panting for 20 minutes to recover.

She is animal-aggressive. Other than her companion Brick (Bailey), she goes "NUTS" when she sees other dogs or even squirrels. Can she be trained out of this? Probably! She is so smart and I think with the right training, she can at least be controlled. In fact, I really believe that she would accept other animals when she is given time to be around them.

Frankly, I have no experience with a dog like Bella or the type of breeding she comes from. I do have faith in animals. Without socialization, they are all just ... well ... wild animals!

Bottom line: I REALLY LIKE THIS DOG. I would enjoy having her as my pet and companion. The fact that I already have 3 dogs makes this an impossibility, but I believe in her and think if we could find the right "forever" home for her, there would be "one lucky human"!

Last night, I sat on the floor and played rope-toys with her. We had a wonderful time. I love you Bella! ❤

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Weekend With Our Fosters

What a nice weekend!  My good friends, Jennifer and Jay, came over on Saturday night to do a "photo shoot" of Bella and Bailey.  Bella soaked up the attention and Bailey did pretty well, but got a little scared when we put him on the leash to take him to another part of the yard to get in the good sunlight for the best photos.  We got some great pictures, which I'll be sharing soon.  Jenn and Jay commented on how smart both dogs are.  Jenn (aka, The Dog Whisperer) got both of them to sit and wait for their treat.  It's amazing how smart they are and you can just see that they already have such a great foundation of commands and good behavior.  Just need a special person who will continue to teach them.

Bella and Bailey did great all evening with our guests and were so well behaved and happy and were perfect angels while we cooked and ate.  They just love being a part of the action and interacting with people.  They both got pretty tired and by the end of the evening, and so sacked out together in their big kennel sleeping side-by-side.  See the photo below (not a great/clear picture, but I still wanted to share it).  So sweet!  A big thank you to Jenn and Jay for taking time out of their weekend to come over and meet "the kids" and take some great photos of them.  I really appreciate it!

On Sunday, we put out 3 more bales of pine straw to keep the yard in good shape with plenty of spots for them to stay out of the dirt.  We also gave them good baths.  Neither of them love bath time, but we got Bella finished first and the hardest part is just getting started.  The water spray startles her a bit, but she very quickly got used to it and just stood there for us while we rubbed her down good and got her squeaky clean.  Meanwhile, Bailey was "hiding" somewhere in the yard, but as soon as we finished Bella, she just shook and started jumping and running around, like she was so happy and feeling good.  I think Bailey got a little envious and wanted his turn, so I got him in position and Mom and I got him scrubbed up good.

It was a great weekend and a huge thank you to Mom, Ron and Aunt Barbara too for all their time, support and love they share with the dogs.  I couldn't do this without them!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Yucky Weather Continues in Jacksonville

Poor Bella, she does not like the thunder!  Anyone have suggestions to calm your dog down (naturally) so they aren't so stressed during storms???

A little accident

Tonight after I put them to bed "Kennel Up", I decided to turn out the small lamp we leave on at night. Within a couple of minutes after I got upstairs, I heard one of the kennels rattling - it was Bob (Bailey). That hadn't happened before, so I went down to turn on the lamp, maybe the dark was a problem.

When I returned upstairs, Bob barked a few times and within another few minutes I noticed an odor and "knew" what had happened.

I went down and removed "the offender" and gave him fresh bedding. I was lucky, there was little soil and easily cleaned. Whew!

Next time, I'll understand what he was trying to tell me. A dog knows how to talk when you know the language!

Nice post Mary Ellen, the photos are really good aren't they! I added a few notes to them. It was a good visit.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just a quick update on today. Dropped by mom's tonight to give the babies a hug and kiss. Mom was outside with them and they were having a great time just being together. They love being around people.

It's been a hard day for Bella. She does not like thunder and we've been having storms everyday. It makes her so ancy and she just can't calm down. She paces back and forth and you can just see the tension in her body. Makes you sad for her. Can you say puppy valium??!! She eventually calmed down though. I'm sure she'll sleep well tonight! I noticed how much better some some irritated spots on Bella's skin is doing. After about 1 week with us, her knuckles on her front paws started getting irritated looking and the fur was falling off. Then, she started chewing a few spots on her tail. The vet gave us a Lyme dip to use. It's awful smelling (sulphur), but we're using every few days as prescribed and it seems to be working. The spots on her paws are all but gone. The tail area is getting better.

Bailey loves the pine straw. I'm still laughing about mom telling me that for the longest time today, Bailey didn't move an inch, but he managed to keep finding sticks in the pine straw to chew on! He's so floppy, a rolly-polly puppy! He just flops down on the ground and watches Bella burn energy running around. I'm still amazed at their complete polar opposite personalities, yet they get along so well with each other. I can't imagine separating them. :(

Here are some photos from today. You can really see the weight gain. Mom and I just kept snapping pictures with my iPhone and commenting on how much better they look. It's so incredible to watch the journey, and after only 3.5 weeks now, you would never know how emaciated they were and what they went through.

Bob (Bailey) you sweet boy
You are pure love! (b.L.)

Compare this rear end with her 1st photo on the side bar -
you won't believe it is possible that it is the same dog!
Don't you love the way her tail curls!!! (b.L.)

Is that a beautiful face or what!
That is a smile if I ever saw one! (b.L.)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Pictures of our progress

I love to pose for pictures!

I love to sit outside and bird watch!

Look at those beautiful brown eyes!

What a sweet face!
These pictures are from September 11th, just two weeks after we were lucky enough to meet them.  After two weeks, Bella gained 9 lbs and Bailey gained 12 lbs.  More updates to come!

Amazing Progress

It all started 3 weeks ago.  I called my mom on Friday afternoon and said, "I can't believe I'm asking you this, but would you be willing to foster a dog who is going to be euthanized at animal control in about 30 minutes?"  As soon as I asked it, my heart started pounding. I knew it was real and it was happening. I was terribly scared and a blubbering mess. Had no idea what I was getting into, but knew I needed to help and couldn't turn my cheek as I had done so many times before.  I've wanted to do this for a while, but my heavy and sensitive heart wouldn't let me do it.  Okay, so I'm back-tracking a bit here, but I wanted to get caught up with the past 3 weeks of info I felt was important to share.  I've shared with some others who know me and know that I'm a planner, that doing something spontaneous like this is not in my blood.  I typically plan things out and don't make spur of the moment decisions, but I guess that's how "rescuing an animal" works.  You don't think, you don't plan, you just act and figure it out later.  That's just what we've done.

I first learned about Bailey (who was named by animal control as Zion) and Bella from an animal rescue e-mail distribution list I've been on for a long time.  I'm sad to admit it, but for as long as I could remember, I just deleted the dozens and dozens of e-mails I got on a daily basis.  Still not sure what it was, but something made me click on this e-mail and read the story.  Fate, I guess.  When I saw that face of Bella, pitiful, sad and emaciated Bella, my heart was in it.  Sadly (but perhaps fortunately), Bella was surrendered by her owner after a neighbor called animal control to complain about how emaciated she was. The owner said, "I don't see anything wrong with her boneyness.  She probably has worms."  After learning what it would take to nurse her back to health, the owner said, "Just take her."  Owner surrenders to animal control are often stories with sad endings and this was almost one of them.

I replied to the e-mail which asked for a an "approved" foster or rescue home to urgently help and just said, "I want to help, what do I do?"  Minutes later, I got a call from Lori. Time was of the essence and the clock was ticking.  What I didn't realize at the time was that there were two dogs.  Yes, two!  I had to make a decision fast and I just remember telling Lori, "Let's do it, let's get them out and we'll give it a shot."  The rest of the night was a blur.  For some reason, my heart was so heavy.  I was very excited, but terribly worried. I didn't know how sick the babies were, how long it would take or if we could even nurse them back to health.  I was told they weren't "adoptable" at that point because they were too emaciated.  What had I done??

The next day, Lori brought them to my mom's house and Bella just jumped out of the car, so happy and friendly, but it was almost hard to look at her.  I immediately welled up with tears, yet was so happy to see her.  Bailey was a different story.  He was lying in the back seat and wouldn't even hardly look up.  We had to pick him up and carry him into the house.  He was so scared. Actually, we bypassed the house and went straight to the backyard where we bathed them and clipped their nails (well my mom did most of the work while I stood on the sidelines in a bit of a frozen state).  They were so good and well behaved.  The rest of the day was spent getting them set up and acclimated to their new space.  Bailey wouldn't even walk through the door into the house at first.  We just had to leave the door open and wait for him to do it on his own.  Once we got past that hurdle, we couldn't get him to walk through the door to get outside.  Before we knew it though, he was going in and out on his own.  He's a smart cookie, just not as bold or quick as Bella.

So much to say and so many details to share!  I have to stop and give a huge thank you to my mom who has made this experience possible.  I'm in a tiny condo and could never have brought these dogs here.  Mom and I talk about 5 times a day and we profusely tell each other "thank you".  I find it funny that she's thanking me, when she's the one who is taking the bulk of the responsibility of caring for them on a daily basis.  I'm at work during the day, so can't let them in and out all day long and feed them every 4 hours, so mom has been absolutely crucial to this experience.  She's gone above and beyond to care for these babies and I will continue to thank her every day and in my eyes, it will still never be enough.  Thank you mom!

Quick Reply:  You are so welcome, it is my privilege and pleasure to be part of this with you! Mom..

I'll end this post with saying that this has been an incredible journey so far.  While it's only been 3 weeks, it almost feels longer.  Not in a bad way, but because we've learned so much along the way.  We didn't even know what we didn't know.  It has not been easy, but has been amazing and I'm so grateful that I didn't turn my cheek to them.  They just needed a second chance and I'm very proud of our family for stepping up to the plate and taking this on.  While this was "my deal" as my mom calls it, it has without a doubt, been a family effort and will continue to be.  It's so much fun to watch them progress as quickly as they have.  I look forward to watching them get stronger and stronger and hopefully into their forever home as soon as possible.  We are unable to keep them permanently and we brought them in knowing they would only be with us temporarily until they got strong and ready for adoption and amazingly, they're pretty much at that point.  Just a few more things to get through.  Bella needs to put on a little more weight and they both get fixed this weekend.  Then, we'll start to more actively look for their new and permanent home.  We know it will be another adjustment for them (and of course it will be for us too), but they deserve to start settling into their forever home and getting the love and attention (and yummy food) that unfortunately they have missed out on for so long. My heart is heavy as I've already fallen in love with them, but it brings me great peace to know that someone is going to be very lucky to have these new babies join their family.

We look forward to continuing the story and are grateful that you're sharing along in the journey with us!  Lots more info and pictures to come.

Ron builds a fence!

It became clear in only a few minutes that the fosters and my "girls" should-not and could-not be together. Bella is what is called "animal aggressive". She is wonderfully smart and with just a little love and training should be manageable. I don't think she will ever be docile, she is an adult and has the nature of her breed to be considered.

So, I told ME and Ron that I needed a fence to separate the side and back yards. That way, my girls could continue to use their dog doors and the outside stairs, and I could let the fosters in and out through the kitchen and garage doors.

I did not expect such immediate response, but on Day 2, she and Ron shopped, bought the supplies and installed the fence.

Without a doubt, I could not be doing this without this separation. Thank you my darlings, you are both thoughtful, loving and kind-spirited. You make me whole! You are the wind beneath my wings! You are... OH gag me, I'm just goofing with you, but the love, respect and appreciation are real!

Ron is starting the lay-out of the fence that will separate the southside back yard from the westside back yard. The fosters are giving him a measure of assistance!

Ron and Mary Ellen went to Lowe's and found this plastic fence. They choose this type of material for its portability. When the fosters are gone, it can be dismantled and saved for "the next time"!
To complete the enclosure, they covered it with heavy gauge black plastic to keep the dogs from seeing one another and also to keep any little Chihuahua heads from poking through the holes! It has been an ongoing project. Once, it fell after Bella attacked it. Fortunately, Barbara was there and we were able to put it back together. Since then, Ron has made 2 major revisions which have greatly enhanced its durability.

A learning process for sure. An hour by hour experiment and experience.

Monday Sept 19, 2011

The Sun is out - - - NOW! And I have a sore toe which has nothing to do with this story!

I thought "I don't believe this". No, I thought "What else could go wrong?" Well, whatever I thought, it is better now!

My story for this morning is this:
For the first time since they have been here, they did not give me a 7 am BARK! Mary Ellen always calls me when she gets up, somewhere between 7:30 am and 8:00 am. In fact, she calls me about 5 times a day just to remind me that it is time for meals and "arise and shine" and "nigh-night beddy-bye baby-dogs". It was 7:35 am!

No problem, they were ready and when I opened the outside door - - -

To get them out, I had to get an umbrella and go out with them. Bubba (Bailey) was still reluctant and I had to be cagey to get him to participate in this rendition of "Peeing in the Rain". Funny thing was, there I am standing under an umbrella - my big back end poking out enough to draw a goodly amount of drops thereby leaving me with a damp posterior - and when I looked up, they were both standing inside the garage door looking out at me, sheltered from the rain - their scrawny back ends all dry and comfy!

At one point, Bella went into her barking and aggressive mode charging at the fence that separates their area from my girls back yard area. I kept saying "Bella, there is nothing there, my girls are inside". As I finished the sentence, I looked up and saw Erin on the outside stair landing taunting her foster sister into a frenzy. "Erin, you little vixen, you like this don't you!" BTW, Ron, your new fence reinforcement is working very well! I had forgotten to close my girls in before I came down.

I did my 1st yard scouting for steaming piles of poop and found one - a real beauty worthy of framing - sorry, we are still excited by bodily functions! As is our practice, I took my worthy find outside the fence to "gift" it to the "land beyond my own" and saw Bella trotting along the outside of the fence toward the overgrown back lot. This is the first time she had been loose outside the fence and I was filled with dread of what it might take to retrieve her into the safety of the small back yard enclosure. "Bella COME" - - - and she did! That was that!

It wasn't a gentle rain either. When we finally did go in the garage I "heard" a dog crying and scratching on the outside of the car-lift garage door. As I walked that way, I "heard" a rodent walking behind the washer and dryer. "Wait a minute" I thought. This is not an Edgar Allen Poe moment. Slowly I walked and "listened" carefully. It was my shoes, soaked and slogging squeaky noises that only sounded like dogs and rodents hiding in the receding areas of the big-scary garage! Really, the sounds were so real - - - at first!

Bella and Bubba - already in the breakfast room - dripping away so that in a few steps they could slip and slide! I laid thin blankets and beach towels across the floor to help absorb some of the water. This will be a day of washing - floors and towels - my 3rd job after sweeping dog hair and picking up fallen Spanish moss! Good thing I'm retired!

Finally, a 30 second Breakfast - they inhale their meals - and the day has begun. Mary Ellen and Ron spread 6 bales of pine straw in their enclosure making the dirt and sand minimal. I knew it all along - the angels are not depressed - this will be another good day!

The Sun is out - - - NOW!

Day 1 photos

 Bailey surveys his new yard

 Hey, what are you doing in the kitchen?  We could use a bowl of gruel!

 Toys? I've never tried these before!

That look says it ALL!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Sept 18, 2011

It was 3 weeks yesterday that Bobo (Bailey) and Bella came to recover at my home. Mary Ellen started a hand written journal the first day and we want to write it in here but if I keep waiting, the current "stuff" will just get further and further away. So perhaps this will start a little jumpy.

I have so much to say about these wonderful dogs. In only 3 weeks, they have nearly become house broken. They are kennel trained and last night had their first experience of being in the kitchen while we cooked and dining area while we ate. They were perfect - up until they came here, they had never been in a home! Smart dogs!

We have learned so much, as Mary Ellen says, it is an hour by hour experiment and experience. The first days were spent looking for and at poop, counting how many meals they got and what time they ate. Talk about having a new baby at home, we were so unprepared. There are many really good and also stressful stories to tell. I hope Mary Ellen, Ron and Barbara will have the time to tell their impressions and experiences. I will do the best I can but Really do not want to be the "voice" of this blog. I am only a part of the story, I just have more time than the other participants!

My story for tonight is this:
I put them outside tonight about 8:30 pm intending to leave them out about 20 or 30 minutes and then outside just before bedtime at 10:15 pm.
I really hate to admit this but it turned out pretty cool. At 11 pm, I went down to let them in and get them to bed. However, I had a huge dryer load to fold - we wash at least one load a day! So, I decided to leave them out to socialize for a few minutes. Bella went immediately to the 7 piled up throw rugs in the Florida room and lay down. After a couple of minutes, she came back into the kitchen and got into her kennel - YES MAM - I couldn't believe it! Bobo lay down in front of her kennel and it wasn't until I gave them their nightly cookie and said "KENNEL-UP" that I realized the door to his kennel was closed. I'd like to think he too would have "put himself" to bed!
I'm not kidding, these are really good dog, good pets and we REALLY like them!

OH, OH, OH, we have to put in the before and after photos.
The beginning of this story MUST be told!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 1 - August 26, 2011

We rescued 2 dogs that were within 30 minutes of euthanasia.

One is a chocolate/white female pit bull mix and approximately 3 years old. 

The other is is a male black lab mix and approximately 1½ years old.

There is much to tell, the story is about to unfold...