Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just a quick update on today. Dropped by mom's tonight to give the babies a hug and kiss. Mom was outside with them and they were having a great time just being together. They love being around people.

It's been a hard day for Bella. She does not like thunder and we've been having storms everyday. It makes her so ancy and she just can't calm down. She paces back and forth and you can just see the tension in her body. Makes you sad for her. Can you say puppy valium??!! She eventually calmed down though. I'm sure she'll sleep well tonight! I noticed how much better some some irritated spots on Bella's skin is doing. After about 1 week with us, her knuckles on her front paws started getting irritated looking and the fur was falling off. Then, she started chewing a few spots on her tail. The vet gave us a Lyme dip to use. It's awful smelling (sulphur), but we're using every few days as prescribed and it seems to be working. The spots on her paws are all but gone. The tail area is getting better.

Bailey loves the pine straw. I'm still laughing about mom telling me that for the longest time today, Bailey didn't move an inch, but he managed to keep finding sticks in the pine straw to chew on! He's so floppy, a rolly-polly puppy! He just flops down on the ground and watches Bella burn energy running around. I'm still amazed at their complete polar opposite personalities, yet they get along so well with each other. I can't imagine separating them. :(

Here are some photos from today. You can really see the weight gain. Mom and I just kept snapping pictures with my iPhone and commenting on how much better they look. It's so incredible to watch the journey, and after only 3.5 weeks now, you would never know how emaciated they were and what they went through.

Bob (Bailey) you sweet boy
You are pure love! (b.L.)

Compare this rear end with her 1st photo on the side bar -
you won't believe it is possible that it is the same dog!
Don't you love the way her tail curls!!! (b.L.)

Is that a beautiful face or what!
That is a smile if I ever saw one! (b.L.)

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